Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Loving the new house

We made it out of Provo finally. We were lucky to sell our little home, just in time it seems. We live in a wonderful neighborhood now with so many great kids running around. We had boys knocking on the front door the first day we were here because they saw some bike ramps and were wondering if a boy lived here now! Colin never lacks friends to play with anymore.

He still pulls the "I hate School!" thing on me a few times a week, but I try to explain that its not school but being unprepared that he hates.

Sydney doesn't complain about school much exceptthat it interferes with her getting enough sleep. She won't go to sleep before 10:30 and wakes up at 8:30. I would LOVE to get that much sleep!

Atticus is three but insists that he is six, because he is a "big boy". He's worn the same orange shirt and blue shorts every day for the last month, whether it is snowing or not! This is one of those "choose your battles" that I am not fighting. I have compromised and let him wear shorts to church every other week. Of course he forgets that he agreed and we fight it out when it is time for pants. Frank reminds us all often that Atticus is only three, not six, and needs allowances and extra love!

Our last but not least is Axle. He makes everyone happy all the time! He loves to give open mouth kisses in the morning and I've found that's the best way to get Sydney to wake up happy! Axle is a great walker but is still getting the hang of shoes. He is funny to watch as he wobbles here and there.


bookmom said...

Hi Gretel-
Loved seeing your blog! Yeah! I'm afraid that I just now learned your name is spelled with an e not a y. Oops!

Tom, Lindsey and Emme said...

I am so glad you have a blog now! Cute kids, it's fun to hear what they are up to. Love you all!!