Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Joy

Another year almost gone. Christmas was good this year. We didn't feel as pinched as in previous years. We were able to sponsor a small family through the Sub for Santa program. I had so much fun shopping for little girl clothes and toys!

Christmas Day was relaxing. Frank and I had time to wrap presents before anyone woke up. Well, except for Axle. He's always the first one up. After gifts and a yummy breakfast the kids went sledding. I shoveled snow, again. I have not seen this much snow for years! I can see why people buy snowblowers up here on the bench.

I was so excited when Frank surprised me with season tickets to the Hale Center Theater in Orem! Between the plays and the temple we have many dates booked for the next year. (We also have a cheap babysitter booked).

We invested in a new camcorder as a family gift. We kind of missed Axle as an infant and a year or two of Atticus. But, its never too late to record some memories. Speaking of memories, my parents had our old silent home movies put onto dvd as a present to their children. I can't wait to make my kids sit through all the boring footage of me as a child!

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